Results for 'Mark Schervish Joseph'

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  1.  54
    When coherent preferences may not preserve indifference between equivalent random variables: A price for unbounded utilities.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark Schervish & Joseph Kadane - unknown
    We extend de Finetti’s (1974) theory of coherence to apply also to unbounded random variables. We show that for random variables with mandated infinite prevision, such as for the St. Petersburg gamble, coherence precludes indifference between equivalent random quantities. That is, we demonstrate when the prevision of the difference between two such equivalent random variables must be positive. This result conflicts with the usual approach to theories of Subjective Expected Utility, where preference is defined over lotteries. In addition, we explore (...)
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  2. Coherence with Proper Scoring Rules.Mark Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Mark Schervish Joseph - unknown
    • Coherence1 for previsions of random variables with generalized betting; • Coherence2 for probability forecasts of events with Brier score penalty; • Coherence3 probability forecasts of events with various proper scoring rules.
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  3. Rethinking the Foundations of Statistics.Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish & Teddy Seidenfeld - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This important collection of essays is a synthesis of foundational studies in Bayesian decision theory and statistics. An overarching topic of the collection is understanding how the norms for Bayesian decision making should apply in settings with more than one rational decision maker and then tracing out some of the consequences of this turn for Bayesian statistics. There are four principal themes to the collection: cooperative, non-sequential decisions; the representation and measurement of 'partially ordered' preferences; non-cooperative, sequential decisions; and pooling (...)
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  4.  57
    A Rubinesque Theory of Decision.Joseph B. Kadane, Teddy Seidenfeld & Mark J. Schervish - unknown
  5.  73
    State-Dependent Utilities.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    Several axiom systems for preference among acts lead to a unique probability and a state-independent utility such that acts are ranked according to their expected utilities. These axioms have been used as a foundation for Bayesian decision theory and subjective probability calculus. In this article we note that the uniqueness of the probability is relative to the choice of whatcounts as a constant outcome. Although it is sometimes clear what should be considered constant, in many cases there are several possible (...)
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  6. What experiment did we just do?Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish & Teddy Seidenfeld - unknown
    Experimenters sometimes insist that it is unwise to examine data before determining how to analyze them, as it creates the potential for biased results. I explore the rationale behind this methodological guideline from the standpoint of an error statistical theory of evidence, and I discuss a method of evaluating evidence in some contexts when this predesignation rule has been violated. I illustrate the problem of potential bias, and the method by which it may be addressed, with an example from the (...)
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  7.  30
    Two measures of incoherence: How not to Gamble if you must.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    The degree of incoherence, when previsions are not made in accordance with a probability measure, is measured by either of two rates at which an incoherent bookie can be made a sure loser. Each bet is considered as an investment from the points of view of both the bookie and a gambler who takes the bet. From each viewpoint, we define an amount invested (or escrowed) for each bet, and the sure loss of incoherent previsions is divided by the escrow (...)
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  8. When several bayesians agree that there will be no reasoning to a foregone conclusion.Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish & Teddy Seidenfeld - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):289.
    When can a Bayesian investigator select an hypothesis H and design an experiment (or a sequence of experiments) to make certain that, given the experimental outcome(s), the posterior probability of H will be lower than its prior probability? We report an elementary result which establishes sufficient conditions under which this reasoning to a foregone conclusion cannot occur. Through an example, we discuss how this result extends to the perspective of an onlooker who agrees with the investigator about the statistical model (...)
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  9. Is Ignorance Bliss?Joseph B. Kadane, Mark Schervish & Teddy Seidenfeld - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (1):5-36.
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  10. (1 other version)A rate of incoherence applied to fixed-level testing.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - 2002 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2002 (3):S248-S264.
    It has long been known that the practice of testing all hypotheses at the same level , regardless of the distribution of the data, is not consistent with Bayesian expected utility maximization. According to de Finetti’s “Dutch Book” argument, procedures that are not consistent with expected utility maximization are incoherent and they lead to gambles that are sure to lose no matter what happens. In this paper, we use a method to measure the rate at which incoherent procedures are sure (...)
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  11. Wahrscheinlichkeiistheorie.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    uniquely into a convex combination of a countably additive probability and a purely finitely additive (PFA) one. The coefficient of the PFA probability..
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  12.  33
    Characterization of Proper and Strictly Proper Scoring Rules for Quantiles.Mark J. Schervish, Joseph B. Kadane & Teddy Seidenfeld - unknown
    We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a scoring rule to be proper for a quantile if utility is linear, and the distribution is unrestricted. We also give results when the set of distributions is limited, for example, to distributions that have first moments.
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  13.  61
    The Effect of Exchange Rates on Statistical Decisions.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (4):504-532.
    Statistical decision theory, whether based on Bayesian principles or other concepts such as minimax or admissibility, relies on minimizing expected loss or maximizing expected utility. Loss and utility functions are generally treated as unit-less numerical measures of value for consequences. Here, we address the issue of the units in which loss and utility are settled and the implications that those units have on the rankings of potential decisions. When multiple currencies are available for paying the loss, one must take explicit (...)
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  14.  31
    Dominating countably many forecasts.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    We investigate differences between a simple Dominance Principle applied to sums of fair prices for variables and dominance applied to sums of forecasts for variables scored by proper scoring rules. In particular, we consider differences when fair prices and forecasts correspond to finitely additive expectations and dominance is applied with infinitely many prices and/or forecasts.
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  15.  78
    Sleeping Beauty’s Credences.Jessi Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):324-347.
    The Sleeping Beauty problem has spawned a debate between “thirders” and “halfers” who draw conflicting conclusions about Sleeping Beauty's credence that a coin lands heads. Our analysis is based on a probability model for what Sleeping Beauty knows at each time during the experiment. We show that conflicting conclusions result from different modeling assumptions that each group makes. Our analysis uses a standard “Bayesian” account of rational belief with conditioning. No special handling is used for self-locating beliefs or centered propositions. (...)
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  16.  71
    Standards for Modest Bayesian Credences.Jessi Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (1):53-78.
    Gordon Belot argues that Bayesian theory is epistemologically immodest. In response, we show that the topological conditions that underpin his criticisms of asymptotic Bayesian conditioning are self-defeating. They require extreme a priori credences regarding, for example, the limiting behavior of observed relative frequencies. We offer a different explication of Bayesian modesty using a goal of consensus: rival scientific opinions should be responsive to new facts as a way to resolve their disputes. Also we address Adam Elga’s rebuttal to Belot’s analysis, (...)
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  17.  40
    Decisions without Ordering.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
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  18.  56
    Forecasting with Imprecise Probabilities.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    We review de Finetti’s two coherence criteria for determinate probabilities: coherence1defined in terms of previsions for a set of events that are undominated by the status quo – previsions immune to a sure-loss – and coherence2 defined in terms of forecasts for events undominated in Brier score by a rival forecast. We propose a criterion of IP-coherence2 based on a generalization of Brier score for IP-forecasts that uses 1-sided, lower and upper, probability forecasts. However, whereas Brier score is a strictly (...)
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  19.  33
    Infinite Previsions and Finitely Additive Expectations.Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Joseph B. Kadane - unknown
    We give an extension of de Finetti’s concept of coherence to unbounded random variables that allows for gambling in the presence of infinite previsions. We present a finitely additive extension of the Daniell integral to unbounded random variables that we believe has advantages over Lebesgue-style integrals in the finitely additive setting. We also give a general version of the Fundamental Theorem of Prevision to deal with conditional previsions and unbounded random variables.
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  20.  64
    Sleeping Beauty’s Credences.Jessica Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - unknown
    The Sleeping Beauty problem has spawned a debate between “Thirders” and “Halfers” who draw conflicting conclusions about Sleeping Beauty’s credence that a coin lands Heads. Our analysis is based on a probability model for what Sleeping Beauty knows at each time during the Experiment. We show that conflicting conclusions result from different modeling assumptions that each group makes. Our analysis uses a standard “Bayesian” account of rational belief with conditioning. No special handling is used for self-locating beliefs or centered propositions. (...)
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  21.  30
    Finite Additivity, Complete Additivity, and the Comparative Principle.Teddy Seidenfeld, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish & Rafael B. Stern - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    In the longstanding foundational debate whether to require that probability is countably additive, in addition to being finitely additive, those who resist the added condition raise two concerns that we take up in this paper. (1) _Existence_: Settings where no countably additive probability exists though finitely additive probabilities do. (2) _Complete Additivity_: Where reasons for countable additivity don’t stop there. Those reasons entail complete additivity—the (measurable) union of probability 0 sets has probability 0, regardless the cardinality of that union. Then (...)
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  22. Coherent choice functions under uncertainty.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish & Joseph B. Kadane - 2010 - Synthese 172 (1):157-176.
    We discuss several features of coherent choice functions—where the admissible options in a decision problem are exactly those that maximize expected utility for some probability/utility pair in fixed set S of probability/utility pairs. In this paper we consider, primarily, normal form decision problems under uncertainty—where only the probability component of S is indeterminate and utility for two privileged outcomes is determinate. Coherent choice distinguishes between each pair of sets of probabilities regardless the “shape” or “connectedness” of the sets of probabilities. (...)
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  23. Preference for equivalent random variables: A price for unbounded utilities.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish & Joseph B. Kadane - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Economics 45:329-340.
    When real-valued utilities for outcomes are bounded, or when all variables are simple, it is consistent with expected utility to have preferences defined over probability distributions or lotteries. That is, under such circumstances two variables with a common probability distribution over outcomes – equivalent variables – occupy the same place in a preference ordering. However, if strict preference respects uniform, strict dominance in outcomes between variables, and if indifference between two variables entails indifference between their difference and the status quo, (...)
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  24.  85
    Non-conglomerability for countably additive measures that are not κ-additive.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark J. Schervish & Joseph B. Kadane - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):284-300.
    Let κ be an uncountable cardinal. Using the theory of conditional probability associated with de Finetti and Dubins, subject to several structural assumptions for creating sufficiently many measurable sets, and assuming that κ is not a weakly inaccessible cardinal, we show that each probability that is not κ-­additive has conditional probabilities that fail to be conglomerable in a partition of cardinality no greater than κ. This generalizes our result, where we established that each finite but not countably additive probability has (...)
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  25. On the Shared Preferences of Two Bayesian Decision Makers.Teddy Seidenfeld, Joseph B. Kadane & Mark J. Schervish - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (5):225.
  26. The Rest of Sleeping Beauty.Jessi Cisewski, Joseph B. Kadane, Mark J. Schervish, Teddy Seidenfeld & Rafael Stern - unknown
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  27.  54
    What Kind of Uncertainty is That? Using Personal Probability for Expressing One's Thinking About Logical and Mathematical Propositions. [REVIEW]Teddy Seidenfel, Mark J. Schervish & Joseph B. Kadane - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy 109 (8-9):516-533.
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  28.  50
    Rethinking the foundations of statistics, Joseph B. Kadane, mark J. Schervish and Teddy Seidenfeld. Cambridge university press, 1999, X + 388 pages. [REVIEW]Matthias Hild - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (1):149-155.
  29. Technological Seduction and Self-Radicalization.Mark Alfano, Joseph Adam Carter & Marc Cheong - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association (3):298-322.
    Many scholars agree that the Internet plays a pivotal role in self-radicalization, which can lead to behaviours ranging from lone-wolf terrorism to participation in white nationalist rallies to mundane bigotry and voting for extremist candidates. However, the mechanisms by which the Internet facilitates self-radicalization are disputed; some fault the individuals who end up self-radicalized, while others lay the blame on the technology itself. In this paper, we explore the role played by technological design decisions in online self-radicalization in its myriad (...)
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  30.  22
    Reflectivity and learning from aversive events: Toward a psychological mechanism for the syndromes of disinhibition.C. Mark Patterson & Joseph P. Newman - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (4):716-736.
  31.  43
    Operators in Nature, Science, Technology, and Society: Mathematical, Logical, and Philosophical Issues.Mark Burgin & Joseph Brenner - 2017 - Philosophies 2 (3):21.
    The concept of an operator is used in a variety of practical and theoretical areas. Operators, as both conceptual and physical entities, are found throughout the world as subsystems in nature, the human mind, and the manmade world. Operators, and what they operate, i.e., their substrates, targets, or operands, have a wide variety of forms, functions, and properties. Operators have explicit philosophical significance. On the one hand, they represent important ontological issues of reality. On the other hand, epistemological operators form (...)
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  32.  29
    Food Aversions and Cravings during Pregnancy on Yasawa Island, Fiji.Luseadra McKerracher, Mark Collard & Joseph Henrich - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (3):296-315.
    Women often experience novel food aversions and cravings during pregnancy. These appetite changes have been hypothesized to work alongside cultural strategies as adaptive responses to the challenges posed by pregnancy (e.g., maternal immune suppression). Here, we report a study that assessed whether data from an indigenous population in Fiji are consistent with the predictions of this hypothesis. We found that aversions focus predominantly on foods expected to exacerbate the challenges of pregnancy. Cravings focus on foods that provide calories and micronutrients (...)
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  33.  83
    On the dynamics of Perez lauraudogoitia's supertask.Mark Bridger & Joseph S. Alper - 1999 - Synthese 119 (3):325-337.
    The supertasks described by Perez Laraudogoitia, involving the dynamics of a system containing an infinite number of particles in a bounded region of space, are characterized by the nonconservation of energy and by the spontaneous motion of particles. We argue that these features arise from the inadequacy of the local, particle-by-particle description used to analyze the supertasks. A global analysis, involving embeddings in Hilbert spaces, clarifies these supertasks and avoids what we regard as their nonphysical features.
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  34.  63
    The ethics of talking about ‘HIV cure’.Stuart Rennie, Mark Siedner, Joseph D. Tucker & Keymanthri Moodley - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):18.
    In 2008, researchers reported that Timothy Brown , a man with HIV infection and leukemia, received a stem-cell transplant that removed HIV from his body as far as can be detected. In 2013, an infant born with HIV infection received anti-retroviral treatment shortly after birth, but was then lost to the health care system for the next six months. When tested for HIV upon return, the child had no detectable viral load despite cessation of treatment. These remarkable clinical developments have (...)
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  35.  15
    Providing and Forgoing Resuscitative Therapy for Babies of Very Low Birth Weight.Mark Siegler, Joseph R. Hageman, John Paton, Edem Ekwo, Steven H. Miles, William Meadow & John D. Lantos - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (4):283-287.
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  36. Two ways of looking at a Newtonian supertask.Jon Pérez Laaraudogoitia, Mark Bridger & Joseph Alper - 2002 - Synthese 131 (2):173 - 189.
    A supertask is a process in which an infinite number of individuated actions are performed in a finite time. A Newtonian supertask is one that obeys Newton''s laws of motion. Such supertasks can violate energy and momentum conservation and can exhibit indeterministic behavior. Perez Laraudogoitia, who proposed several Newtonian supertasks, uses a local, i.e., particle-by-particle, analysis to obtain these and other paradoxical properties of Newtonian supertasks. Alper and Bridger use a global analysis, embedding the system of particles in a Banach (...)
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  37.  79
    Moral Issues of Human-Non-Human Primate Neural Grafting.Mark Greene, Kathryn Schill, Shoji Takahashi, Alison Bateman-House, Tom Beauchamp, Hilary Bok, Dorothy Cheney, Joseph Coyle, Terrence Deacon, Daniel Dennett, Peter Donovan, Owen Flanagan, Steven Goldman, Henry Greely, Lee Martin & Earl Miller - 2005 - Science 309 (5733):385-386.
    The scientific, ethical, and policy issues raised by research involving the engraftment of human neural stem cells into the brains of nonhuman primates are explored by an interdisciplinary working group in this Policy Forum. The authors consider the possibility that this research might alter the cognitive capacities of recipient great apes and monkeys, with potential significance for their moral status.
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  38.  17
    Marriage, persons, and the body: Thomistic intimations in Karol wojtyła.Mark Joseph Calano - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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    Using Video Game Telemetry Data to Research Motor Chunking, Action Latencies, and Complex Cognitive‐Motor Skill Learning.Joseph J. Thompson, C. M. McColeman, Ekaterina R. Stepanova & Mark R. Blair - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):467-484.
    Many theories of complex cognitive-motor skill learning are built on the notion that basic cognitive processes group actions into easy-to-perform sequences. The present work examines predictions derived from laboratory-based studies of motor chunking and motor preparation using data collected from the real-time strategy video game StarCraft 2. We examined 996,163 action sequences in the telemetry data of 3,317 players across seven levels of skill. As predicted, the latency to the first action is delayed relative to the other actions in the (...)
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  40.  30
    Epistemic spillovers: Learning others’ political views reduces the ability to assess and use their expertise in nonpolitical domains.Joseph Marks, Eloise Copland, Eleanor Loh, Cass R. Sunstein & Tali Sharot - 2019 - Cognition 188:74-84.
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  41. Newtonian supertasks: A critical analysis.Joseph S. Alper & Mark Bridger - 1998 - Synthese 114 (2):355-369.
    In two recent papers Perez Laraudogoitia has described a variety of supertasks involving elastic collisions in Newtonian systems containing a denumerably infinite set of particles. He maintains that these various supertasks give examples of systems in which energy is not conserved, particles at rest begin to move spontaneously, particles disappear from a system, and particles are created ex nihilo. An analysis of these supertasks suggests that they involve systems that do not satisfy the mathematical conditions required of Newtonian systems at (...)
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  42. A conflict between finite additivity and avoiding dutch book.Teddy Seidenfeld & Mark J. Schervish - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):398-412.
    For Savage (1954) as for de Finetti (1974), the existence of subjective (personal) probability is a consequence of the normative theory of preference. (De Finetti achieves the reduction of belief to desire with his generalized Dutch-Book argument for Previsions.) Both Savage and de Finetti rebel against legislating countable additivity for subjective probability. They require merely that probability be finitely additive. Simultaneously, they insist that their theories of preference are weak, accommodating all but self-defeating desires. In this paper we dispute these (...)
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  43. Forecasting with Imprecise/Indeterminate Probabilities [IP] – some preliminary findings.Teddy Seidenfeld, Mark Schervish & Jay Kadane - unknown
    Part 1 Background on de Finetti’s twin criteria of coherence: Coherence1: 2-sided previsions free from dominance through a Book. Coherence2: Forecasts free from dominance under Brier (squared error) score. Part 2 IP theory based on a scoring rule.
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  44. Mathematics, Models and Zeno's Paradoxes.Joseph S. Alper & Mark Bridger - 1997 - Synthese 110 (1):143-166.
    A version of nonstandard analysis, Internal Set Theory, has been used to provide a resolution of Zeno's paradoxes of motion. This resolution is inadequate because the application of Internal Set Theory to the paradoxes requires a model of the world that is not in accordance with either experience or intuition. A model of standard mathematics in which the ordinary real numbers are defined in terms of rational intervals does provide a formalism for understanding the paradoxes. This model suggests that in (...)
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  45.  8
    Sequential blanking effects for two interleaved words.Joseph Newmark & Mark S. Mayzner - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):74-76.
  46.  84
    A Pilot Evaluation of Portfolios for Quality Attestation of Clinical Ethics Consultants.Joseph J. Fins, Eric Kodish, Felicia Cohn, Marion Danis, Arthur R. Derse, Nancy Neveloff Dubler, Barbara Goulden, Mark Kuczewski, Mary Beth Mercer, Robert A. Pearlman, Martin L. Smith, Anita Tarzian & Stuart J. Youngner - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (3):15-24.
    Although clinical ethics consultation is a high-stakes endeavor with an increasing prominence in health care systems, progress in developing standards for quality is challenging. In this article, we describe the results of a pilot project utilizing portfolios as an evaluation tool. We found that this approach is feasible and resulted in a reasonably wide distribution of scores among the 23 submitted portfolios that we evaluated. We discuss limitations and implications of these results, and suggest that this is a significant step (...)
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  47.  10
    Nonphenomenality and the Im/Possibility of God: Implications of Jacques Derrida’s “Violence and Metaphysics”.Mark Joseph T. Calano - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (1):113-128.
    Using Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction of Levinas’s other, the paper argues that philosophy’s involvement with nonphenomenality necessarily leads to a discussion of the im/possibility of God. Because the nonphenomenal is proper to God, then the theological trap becomes explicit in the study of philosophy. The paper operates within an exposition of Derrida’s “Violence and Metaphysics,” while arguing in three sections. The first section discusses the theological trap implicit in Levinas and the language that he engages. The limitations of this theological language (...)
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    Substitutes for Wisdom: Kant's Practical Thought and the Tradition of the Temperaments.Mark Joseph Larrimore - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):259-288.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2001) 259-288 [Access article in PDF] Substitutes for Wisdom:Kant's Practical Thought and the Tradition of the Temperaments Mark Larrimore [Appendix]For much of Western history, the theory of the four temperaments played a vital part in medicine, anthropology, and moral reflection. The Hippocratic foursome of sanguine, choleric, melancholy, and phlegmatic survives on the margins of modernity, but its role in moral theory (...)
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  49. Jacques Derrida On Différance and the''Hospitality''of the Name.Mark Joseph T. Calano - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    Genetically mediated resistance to distraction: Influence of dopamine transporter genotype on attentional selection.Bellgrove Mark, Newman Daniel, Cummins Tarrant, Tong Janette, Johnson Beth, Wagner Joseph, Goodrich Jack, Hawi Ziarih & Chambers Chris - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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